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atuin stats

Atuin can also calculate stats based on your history - this is currently a little basic, but more features to come.

1-day stats

You provide the starting point, and Atuin computes the stats for 24h from that point. Date parsing is provided by interim, which supports different formats for full or relative dates. Certain formats rely on the dialect option in your configuration to differentiate day from month. Refer to the module's documentation for more details on the supported date formats.

$ atuin stats last friday

| Statistic | Value |
| Most used command | git status |
| Commands ran | 450 |
| Unique commands ran | 213 |

# A few more examples:
$ atuin stats 2018-04-01
$ atuin stats April 1
$ atuin stats 01/04/22
$ atuin stats last thursday 3pm # between last thursday 3:00pm and the following friday 3:00pm

Full history stats

$ atuin stats
# or
$ atuin stats all

| Statistic | Value |
| Most used command | ls |
| Commands ran | 8190 |
| Unique commands ran | 2996 |